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HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator: Yay or Nay?

HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator: Yay or Nay?
HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator: Yay or Nay?

In our previous blog post, we provided a detailed guide on setting up your brand kit in HubSpot. This ensures consistency across all your brand assets, from website pages and emails to marketing collateral and more.

But what if you're starting a new brand and don’t have a visual identity yet? If you’re looking for a simple and quick solution, HubSpot has you covered with its free Brand Kit Generator.


What is HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator?

HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator is a tool designed to help businesses streamline their branding efforts efficiently and effectively. It assists in creating a consistent visual identity by enabling users to generate and organise essential branding elements like logos, color palettes and typography.


How do I use HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator?

Screenshot of brand kit generator tool

Tip: Before you start using the tool, consider preparing these details beforehand to make the process smoother and more efficient:

  • Name of your business and slogan (optional)
  • Your icon and font preferences
  • Your color preferences


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Brand Kit Generator:


1. Go to 


2. Enter your business information

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can enter your business information


3. Select your brand icon

The tool will offer various options based on the industry/name you provided. For example, if you picked Information Technology as the industry, you will be presented with these options to choose from:

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can select your brand icon

You can scroll down and click the Load More button if you want to see more options.


4. Pick your brand font

Similar to selecting icons, the tool will suggest fonts and display multiple options suitable for that specific industry. For this example in the IT industry, these are the fonts it recommended:

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can pick your brand fontn

If you're not happy with the initial font options, scroll down and click the Load More button.


5. Choose your brand color

You can select your primary color from a variety of options. The great thing is that it also offers preselected secondary colors that complement your chosen primary color.

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can choose your brand color


6. Finalise your brand logo

Here, you will finalise the overall look of your logo. Taking into account the options you have selected so far, the tool will present you with choices for the final version of your brand logo.

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can finalise your brand logo

You can click the Load More button to view more options.


7. Customise your brand kit

In this final step, you can make adjustments to the elements in your brand kit. Once you are satisfied, select Continue to complete your brand kit.

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can customise your brand kit


8. Download your brand kit

Finally, you can now view and download your brand kit:

Screenshot of brand kit generator where you can download the assets

You will receive these files:

  • A PDF of your brand kit
  • A text file containing the HEX codes of your colors
  • A file of your font
  • A folder containing your logo and favicon in different file formats, including JPEG, PNG, SVG, and WEBP
  • A folder containing your logo in various sizes suitable for different social platforms

Screenshot of downloaded files


We tested the tool further by creating more logo examples from different industries. Here are the results:

Collated Samples




Conclusion and Recommendation:

HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator is a good tool for companies with limited budgets for creating their brand assets. If you're looking for something free, quick, and simple, this tool is for you.

However, for companies looking for more customisation and impact, this tool might not be ideal due to its simpler, more limited styling options.




Need more comprehensive help with your branding? 

Our team at XEN Create can help you. We offer graphic design services, from logos and brand style guides to developing a full suite of brand assets. Whether you need eye-catching social media graphics or a standout trade show booth design, our team ensures every piece is not only visually stunning but strategically effective. Get started today!


If you're looking to delve deeper into HubSpot Content Hub, we have the ideal guide for you. Don't miss out on our HubSpot Content Hub Overview Guide.

Learn more about Content Hub and its features

This guide, as well as our other valuable resources, can also be found on our Resources page.


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